
« March 2023 »
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
    1 2 3 4* thames paddle upstream 4 lunch all day
6 7 8* wed 8 march eve upstream all day
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25* Shoreham to Rottingdean all day
26* Rottingdean to Cuckmere all day
27 28 29 30 31    

PLA Notices

Chelsea. Well ‘ard

Sub-zero temperatures and snow on the ground made for an interesting start to the evening.  On the plus side, the snow on the ramp to the pontoon made it easy to get the boats to the water.  Once on the water, paddling warmed us up a bit but no doubt about it was arctic conditions.  A fact proved by the ice that formed on the hull of the boat and the buoyancy aid as we progressed downriver.  We made it to the wheel and turned to get swept back to Cremorne with the rising tide.

Back to the Centre with the smug satisfaction of beating the elements and off to the Pub for a quick pint.


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