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Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

A wee jump-tour around Scotland

After many hours sitting in the same position in your kayak, best practice recommends you take a break, walk around and stretch your legs. CKC, in our usual style, took this advice one jump further on our recent visit to the Ardnamurchan peninsula…

Chelsea Kayak Club jumps around Scotland

After and open crossing to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, some of us opted for the tourist route, and spent the afternoon eating fish ‘n’ chips in the sun, sampling the local pints and touring the whisky distillery. An experience that made us jump for joy.

From sea level to mountain heights, one day we even hit the hills – climbing Ben Hiant to take in the aerial views of the loch, North Atlantic, Inner Hebrides and beyond. We reached the peak at 2220ft, but achieved a total height of 2223ft thanks to this fancy flying footwork.

The walls of Castle Tioram on Loch Moidart have withstood many an assault by marauding men in kilts, but until this day, we don’t think they’ve ever witnessed such a feeble attempt at besting their formidable height.

White Sands, on the edge of the North Atlantic, a little slice of heaven was our wild camping spot for the night. Why are we jumping? We got bored waiting for the sun to set over Eigg, Muck and Rhum, which sets so late, Judes already had her pjs on.

You can’t spend a week inches away from the sea without at least one intentional swim. After braving the icy waters for a few minutes we needed to jump out quickly to catch the last warm rays of sunshine.

With the pub in sight for our final night, the Kilchoan High Street made the perfect backdrop for one last Scottish leap before we got too drunk to stand, never mind jump.

From Kilchoan to London it’s just a hop, skip and a jump (and 14 hours in a bus) – but it was all worth while for an amazing trip away.

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1 comment to A wee jump-tour around Scotland

  • Jonathan

    Leaving nothing to the imagination, this trip report is without doubt one of the most comprehensively detailed and thorough records of a kayaking expedition I have ever read. Tremendous.

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