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16 17 18 19* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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23 24 25 26* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

London Kayakathon – 100 days to go

There is a very exciting date in the kayaking calender – The London Kayakathon – which is taking place on Sunday 22 April 2012, or if you’re really keen and counting down… 100 days from today. This is the same day, date and distance as the Virgin London Marathon, but sadly is often overlooked by all the thousands of people focused on the running masses, as kayakers paddle 26.2 miles along the Thames.

The London Kayakathon was started in 2002 by  Simon Osborne who created the event ‘Kayaking For Cancer’, ten years on it has grown to well over a hundred boats and Simon has raised over £30,000 for Leukaemia Research in memory of his brother Mark.

This year I will be taking part and raising money for Cancer Research UK, in memory of someone who was very dear to me who sadly lost her fight against the disease last year – I’m hoping to garner some support to reach my personal £100 per mile target.

Some details of the London Kayakathon and my personal mission can be found here: it would be great if you could like and share this with as many people as possible (and maybe even donate too?)

John Mayne

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