
« November 2024 »
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4 5 6 7* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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11 12 13 14* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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18 19 20 21* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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25 26 27 28* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

Summer Sunshine on Kew to Hampton Ct 26 May – GoCanoeing

Thanks to Tim, Richard, Philippa, Philippe & John for a lovely paddle down to Hampton Court in sunny weather. We clocked 22 miles for BC’s Go Canoeing week. Ice creams with dubious coloured sauces were consumed! We got to go over the Teddington rollers, and past many goslings & ducklings. Mad kayakers and Englishman go out in the mid-day sun, equals fun!




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