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4 5 6 7* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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18 19 20 21* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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25 26 27 28* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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PLA Notices

Meet Me Where the Sun Touches the Sea, Bournemouth, Sept 2022

This is the delayed May 2022 trip to Bournemouth. Although it sounds like a train announcement we all went by car, meeting at The Arches on a cold September morning at 8am (although some were very keen and had been there an hour beforehand).

We all arrive at Alum Chine at the same time mid-morning and load the boats onto the trolleys to get down to the sandy beach. After a safety briefing on the beach we launched at 11:50am in force three wind with small waves that got bigger as we headed further out. Initially we headed for Isle of Wight which we can see on the horizon, and then for Hengistbury Head once we are out in the tidal flow. We make good progress, rounding the head in about an hour and a half.

Around the head we cross over the harbour entrance at Christchurch and then land at Avon Beach in front of the Noisy Lobster restaurant. While most of us have brought sandwiches or light refreshments for lunch, Rich decides to go large ordering chips and scampi from the outside kiosk. All freshly cooked but a long wait to arrive. Luckily some of us were able to entertain themselves practicing headstands in the cockpits!

On beach before launch, we can see Old Harry, Isle of Wight and Poole. After lunch we retraced our route back to Alum Chine across Bournemouth Bay, rounding Hengistbury Head where a small tide race was developing.

Around the head, the wind (F3) was directly in our faces, which means that it is hard work for about 15 minutes into Bournemouth Bay but then eases off as we get protection. Jenifer has adjusted her foot pegs at lunch and now is much faster even against the wind. Paddling along the coast close to Bournemouth we meet a RNLI person on a jet ski with a rear platform to rescue people. Luckily we don’t need his services and continue passed funicular railways and loads of beach huts.

Passing Bournemouth Pier we have a group picture in front of the helter-skelter at the end of the pier.


Arriving back at Alum Chine we all agree that the trip was very enjoyable and we find that it is Phil‘s first time on the sea, Jenefer‘s first time out on the sea with the club (and the most she has paddled in a day) and Rich’s second time out with his new boat. So a very memorable trip for everyone!

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