
« June 2026 »
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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8 9 10 11* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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15 16 17 18* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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22 23 24 25* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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PLA Notices

Use of Club Kit

The Club has been very fortunate to have equipment provided by Sport England and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea grants.  It is therefore important to remember that we are all responsible for taking care of any kit we use – treat it as if it were your own!

All core equipment (Sea Kayaks, Touring Paddles, Buoyancy Aids, Cags, Spray Decks and Helmets) and safety equipment (VHF Radio, Towline, First Aid Kit, CKC Diffusers (lights) and spare batteries, Safety Bag, Bilge Pump, Boat Report Kit, and Deck Compasses) is stored at Brentford Boating Arch (BBA).



  • Equipment is available for CKC members use only.
  • It is the responsibility of all members borrowing Club kit to check that it is fit for purpose for the intended activities.  If individuals are in any doubt they should raise any issues with the Kit Officer or trip leader.
  • Any loss or damage deemed to be caused through misuse or neglect must be made good by the user.
  • Use of the equipment is done so at the users own risk.


  • Full Members have use of Club kit (free of charge) when on Club organised trips and training courses which are organised by the Club.
  • Basic Members can borrow Club kit in return for paying a usage donation (see current suggested donations below).
  • Trip leaders are responsible for checking Club safety kit before leaving on the trip and reporting any issues or concerns directly to the Kit Officer as soon as possible.
  • Trip leaders should provide briefings on use of kit when on Club organised trips (e.g. use of skegs and hatch covers) and make participants aware of any particular issues which might impact on the kit (e.g. skegs should be up during launches and landings).
  • Guest (non-member) may borrow kit for use on a CKC Thames or a club Organised Paddle provided they have completed the Guest-members form, paid £15 and the Leader is comfortable they have the experience to use it safely. A guest member may come 3-times before joining the club.
  • Club Leaders can borrow (free of charge) the first aid kits, tow lines, VHF sets, dry-bags etc when they are leading or participating in club events.


  • Subject to the Club’s discretion and access, other Club activities, and agreement with the Kit Officer, Club kit is available to borrow by members for personal use in return for paying a usage donation (see current suggested donations below).
  • No kit can be borrowed for non-members. 
  • Kit hire will be limited to situations where the kit will be hired for one or two days paddling, where the paddler will improve their skills on the paddling activity they are hiring for and that CKC has confidence that those improved skills will be brought back into the club, and where CKC has confidence that the member knows how to look after Club kit. CKC members hiring for personal use are expected to help on CKC kit maintenance days.
  • No club kit is available for other use.
  • Transportation, collection and return of is the responsibility of user.
  • Individuals are fully liable when paddling on personal trips and are not covered by the Club’s insurances and are advised to become individual members of the British Canoe Unioning.
  • Individuals will be personally responsible for any Club kit borrowed, to ensure items are fit for purpose and are expected to repair or replace these items if lost or damaged.
  • The Club will not be responsible for any incidents which occur when Club kit is used for personal use.
  • All money donated goes into the Club to maintain and purchase more kit for the Club.


  • Equipment must be returned and secured at BBA after use.
  • Equipment must be returned cleaned and ready for use.
  • Salt water can potentially decrease the lifespan of kit. Therefore please ensure that after using any kit on the sea it is thoroughly rinsed in fresh water (including paddles and boats).
  • Please ensure that skeg sliders are working.
  • On returning Club kit the trip leader or individual is responsible for informing the Kit Officer of any issues or loss or damage to kit.

A copy of the kit-loan policy can be found here.


  • The Club Trailer may only be used by club members holding a Driving Licence endorsed for trailer usage with the written/recorded agreement of the Kit officer. The Kit Officer has both the trailer and allotment keys.
  • It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure all kayaks are securely attached to the trailer, the trailer is appropriately attached to the towing vehicle, all lights are functional and all movement is in accordance with safe driving practices.
  • The Club Trailer is not available for other use.


Current kayak usage donations for Basic Members and personal use by any CKC member (including paddle, cag, BA, spraydeck, and helmet if required) are:

  • Thames Session / Trips Per day: £25
  • Trips Per week: £150