PLA Notices

CKC buys a canoe …. sssshhhhh…..

Ok so we are mostly a kayak club. Chelsea Kayak Club. And we are mostly a sea kayak club. Chelsea Kayak Club. Does what it says on the tin, innit.

But we do say we are London’s only paddlesport club devoted to sea kayaking and touring. And of course touring is rather nice in an […]

Norfolk Wild Canoe Camping

5 – 7th August 2011

After paddling over 80km from Marlow to Chelsea in two days the previous weekend I was looking forward to what was meant to be a relatively relaxed paddle along the River Bure in Norfolk in good company and good weather. Well… we I guess two out of three ain’t bad […]

Open Boating Coaching

Sunday 22nd May 2011

It’s not often I get to coach open canoeing, so when a small group of CKC paddlers asked me to provide them with a day’s coaching I was more than happy to oblige.

Feeling a little exhausted from the previous days paddling on the Solent I headed over to Thames Ditton […]

Two Star Shenanigans

In addition to the circumnavigation of Hayling Island, last weekend the Club also organized a 2 Star Training / Assessment Weekend at Thames Ditton Reach for seven of its members – Paul, Marina, Geoff, Stu, Kate, Rob, and Manda. Coaching was provided by Alan Pearson and Phil. Paul Sardar and Marina de Stacpoole sum up […]

Path Of The Paddle

Sunday 11th April 2010

I was part of a small group that headed over to Shepperton Lock today for a paddle of the single bladed variety. Not to be confused with kayaking (its closed deck relative), canoeing (or open boating as it is often called) is a rapidly developing discipline of paddlesport in the UK.
