
« November 2038 »
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1 2 3 4* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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8 9 10 11* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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15 16 17 18* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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22 23 24 25* Thurs Eve Thames Paddle at 6:30 pm
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PLA Notices


Club History

Paddlesport touring and expeditions, particularly in sea kayaks, is a growing aspect of the sport but very few opportunities exist in London.

Chelsea Kayak Club (CKC) was officially founded in March 2010 by a small group of enthusiastic London paddlers to help provide more opportunities in this area of the sport.  All of the founding members were members of other clubs and the majority were experienced paddlers in other disciplines of canoeing and kayaking, and included several qualified coaches.

The Club is classed as an “Unincorporated Association” run on a voluntary, non-commercial, not-for-profit basis by members for members and is governed by a Club Constitution and the rules of Paddle UK (which is the National Governing Body for canoeing and kayaking).  The Club has a management committee to help manage and run the Club however all members are encouraged to attend meetings and get involved; to help assist these roles and to organise trips.

The Club’s main base is Brentford Boating Arch (the Centre) under Kew Bridge. The Club is a completely independent legal entity to the Centre and has an agreement to use the premises as an adult community paddlesport club.

The Club aims to get like-minded paddlers together to enjoy the health and social benefits of paddling, to engage in safe river and sea trips at the same time as encouraging people to learn about and develop within the sport.

The Club runs regular weekly and occasional weekend sessions on the Thames.   Away from the Centre it runs regular trips (including overseas) and social events.  It also provides regular safety, coaching and leadership training opportunities for its members.  See the Events Calendar for details of upcoming events and activities.

As a community orientated Club, membership is open to all individuals over the age of 18 who are able to swim 50m in light clothing.

Thanks to grants from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Sport England the Club now has a number of sea kayaks and other equipment available for club members to use.

Club members are also encouraged to write blogs on topics relating to the Club (e.g. trip summaries) or sea kayaking and touring in general.

The Club promotes and practices a positive health and safety culture at all times and wants to be seen as leading the way in safe tideway paddling.

CKC Personal and Safety Kit Advice

Please see the following document for advice on personal and safety kit if you are a relatively new paddler:

CKC Personal and Safety Kit Advice

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are frequently asked questions about the Club or aspects of the Club these are updated periodically as new information becomes available.

Do I need to have paddling experience before I can join Chelsea Kayak Club?

What do I get for the full membership fee?

What is your relationship with Brentford Boating Arch?

Are there additional costs to pay?

Do I have to be a member to come on a Club organised trip?

Does the Club do other types of paddling?

Does the Club have a regular pool session of its own?

Can guests paddle with us on the Thames?

Can I store my personal sea or touring kayak at the facility?

I am entering an organised race / event (e.g Devizes to Westminster, quadrathlon’s, adventure races, etc) can I train with your club?

Are boats and equipment available to hire to the general public or for corporate events?

I am paddling the Thames for charity or part of a group, etc – can I launch or land at Brentford Boating Arch?

I am paddling the Thames for charity or part of a group, etc but have never paddled the tidal Thames (east of Teddington Lock) before can you offer any advice (e.g. rules, safety, public access points, etc)?

Do I need to have paddling experience before I can join Chelsea Kayak Club (CKC)?

No.  However, if you have no or limited paddling experience we would rather not have you join until you’re sure sea kayaking and touring is for you.  We also require individuals to be of a certain standard before they can paddle with us on our regular Thames sessions.  Please refer to the Trip and Session Guidelines for further information on how the Club grades its trips and sessions.

If you would like to participate in a beginner’s course which should get you to a level where you can join the Club should you wish to and get involved in regular Thames sessions and trips, etc. then please drop us an email at and we will advise you on next steps.

What do I get for the full membership fee?

The full membership fee represents excellent value for money and includes access and use of great facilities available at Brentford Boating Arch (changing rooms, kitchen, toilets and showers) as well as usage of good quality boats and equipment during Club organised trips and sessions.   Many other clubs will charge for use of kit on sessions and trips whereas this is all included at CKC.

Basic membership is aimed at individuals who either live outside London and cannot regularly make the weekly Thames session and / or have their own boats and equipment.  However for Basic members, additional fees are payable if attending Thames sessions and if Club boats and equipment are used on Club trips and sessions.

What is your relationship with Brentford Boating Arch?

Whilst the Club operates out of Brentford Boating Arch (the Centre) it is a completely separate and independent entity to the Centre.   The Centre has has been providing water sport lessons (canoe and kayaking) and development training programmes to schools, youth and community groups since 2007.

Are there additional costs to pay?

For paddling on the Thames during the week and at weekends there are no additional costs to pay. For day trips to the coast, fuel and travel costs are usually shared between participants.

If you’re a Full Member additional costs will only be incurred if we run away or overseas trips which require hiring boats and equipment, and if training courses are organised.  Clearly there will be costs associated with accommodation, transport, and any social activities the Club gets up to.  However, the Club will do its best to keep costs to a minimum and it will always look for ways to get the best possible deal for its members.

Do I have to be a member to come on a Club organised trip?

Yes.  Membership ensures that you and the Club are covered in respect to third party liability.

Does the Club do other types of paddling?

No.  The focus of the Club is on sea kayaking and touring, however many of its members are members of other London based clubs which do whitewater, polo, surf, etc.  CKC has been formed because very few opportunities exist in London for sea kayaking and touring.

Does the Club have a regular pool session of its own?

All CKC members are strongly encouraged to attend pool sessions whenever they can to practice and improve key / fundamental skills such as edging, rolling, and bracing.  The sessions also provide an opportunity to develop your coaching skills if you’re interested.   CKC has access to a number of pool sessions in the area as follows:

Brentford Leisure Centre (October to March)

Pool session organised by Edge Progressive

Janet Adegoke Centre, Bloemfontein Road, Shepherds Bush – Wednesday evenings, 8.30pm – 9.30pm (all year round)

CKC members are able to attend the pool session run by Putney Bridge Canoe Club.  The session includes boat, paddle and spraydeck. Booking is required. More details at:

Clapham Pool – Sundays late afternoon, 5-6pm (all year round)

A regular open pool session which takes place at Clapham Pool on Clapham Manor Street every Sunday evening all year round.  This session is open to beginners, intermediates and pros.  CKC members wishing to attend this session on a regular or semi-regular basis please email to determine availability, etc.

Can guests paddle with us on the Thames?

Yes.  If you have paddled before you can come along for a trial session on the Thames to see if you like the Club.  Guest sessions cost £15 per session and you must register each time.  All kit is provided (boat, paddle, etc) – all you need to bring is suitable clothing and footwear that you don’t mind getting wet plus a change of clothes and towel of course.  There are changing rooms and shower facilities at Brentford Boating Arch.

You must also join the Club after three guest sessions if you want to continue to paddle with us.  However, you cannot just turn up so please email to secure a place.

Can I store my personal sea or touring kayak at the facility?

No. Storage space at the facility is limited.

I am entering an organised race / event (e.g Devizes to Westminster, quadrathlon’s, adventure races, etc) can I train with your club?

Not really.  We are not set-up to accommodate individuals or groups wishing to just train for the purposes of entering a particular event.  There are several other clubs in the London area which may be better suited for this purpose, such as Richmond Canoe Club and the Royal Canoe Club.

Are boats and equipment available to hire to the general public or for corporate events?

No.  We do not generally hire boats or paddling equipment for ad-hoc usage; this is only available to members of the Club.

I am paddling the Thames for charity or part of a group, etc. – can I launch or land at Brentford Boating Arch?

There is public access to the river via a slipway / beach adjacent to the Brentford Boating Arch (BBA) facility.   However, the Club is not in a position to agree access to any of BBA’s facilities as it is not directly associated with the Club.

I am paddling the Thames for charity or part of a group, etc but have never paddled the tidal Thames (east of Teddington Lock) before can you offer any advice (e.g. rules, safety, public access points, etc)?

You are advised to read the Port of London Authority’s (PLA’s) General and Night Navigation Advice for Canoes and Kayaks.  It is also advisable to read the Code of Practice for rowing on the Tidal Thames above Putney which details local navigation rules for vessels under oars, which are considered to include canoes and kayaks.

Lights are required when paddling in the evenings after dark – see also PLA Guidelines on Visibility and Lighting.

Tower Hamlets Canoe Club have put together a useful guide to the tidal Thames – Teddington to Shadwell and Shadwell to Gravesend.