PLA Notices

CKC buys a canoe …. sssshhhhh…..

Ok so we are mostly a kayak club. Chelsea Kayak Club. And we are mostly a sea kayak club. Chelsea Kayak Club. Does what it says on the tin, innit.

But we do say we are London’s only paddlesport club devoted to sea kayaking and touring. And of course touring is rather nice in an […]

Thames Festival – A Paddling Party

Chelsea Kayak Club got into a celebratory mood this Saturday for the The Mayor’s Thames Festival when we took part in a massive parade of boats down the river, amid cheers from the crowded banks and bridges.

The annual Thames Festival celebrates everything special about this great waterway, but this year something […]

Swimming in the Thames

If a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly. Swimming, for example. Some people just slap on a pair of trunks and jump right in. I like to prepare my swims a little more carefully. For the truly satisfying swim I recommend cardboard and sticky tape, in quantity. Widescreen TV boxes work pretty well. The […]

Kayaks -v- Canoes

What is it with people constantly calling kayaks; canoes? It’s seems to be a recurring theme going all the way back to when the two boats were first made and this latest slip up has made it on to national television (albeit Australian telly) in a pretty funny beer ad;

As the […]

Canoe & Kayak: Sea Kayaking Special

This month’s issue of Canoe & Kayak UK magazine is dedicated to sea kayaking, something close to the heart of all Chelsea Kayak Club members – and is jam packed to overflowing with features, trip suggestions and tips – so much so, there’s a 24 page mini-mag pull out.

We all ‘Go Canoeing’ for a day

To help celebrate the British Canoe Union being in its 75th year, the Club teamed up with Kayaking London and Friends of Cremorne Riverside to host an open day during ‘Go Canoeing Week’ on Sunday 8 May.

The day was a great success, lots of people rocked up to find […]

Getting arty for the Royal Wedding

Jacks of all trades – getting ready for a Royal Wedding Paddle

Groovy-baby! With the help of Katie W and Richard H, I was able to turn our two Atlantic’s into a couple of floating Union Jack’s that would make Austin Powers weep with envy. These boats have been made to resemble our […]