PLA Notices

What a lovely lot of kit I got

For all of you who didn’t make it down to the open day at Cremorne Riverside yesterday, where Desperate Measures (the canoe shop) had loads of kit for us to play with (and buy), you’ll probably want to click here to read up on what you missed. But in a nut shell, there was lots […]

A Knife Little Trick

As part of the sea kayaker’s safety kit, a sharp knife is a must to keep with you – especially if you deal with ropes in any way. The last situation you want to find yourself in, would be trapped or caught in a load of rope underwater or being pulled along by a snagged […]

We all ‘Go Canoeing’ for a day

To help celebrate the British Canoe Union being in its 75th year, the Club teamed up with Kayaking London and Friends of Cremorne Riverside to host an open day during ‘Go Canoeing Week’ on Sunday 8 May.

The day was a great success, lots of people rocked up to find […]