PLA Notices

Thames Festival – A Paddling Party

Chelsea Kayak Club got into a celebratory mood this Saturday for the The Mayor’s Thames Festival when we took part in a massive parade of boats down the river, amid cheers from the crowded banks and bridges.

The annual Thames Festival celebrates everything special about this great waterway, but this year something […]

Norfolk Wild Canoe Camping

5 – 7th August 2011

After paddling over 80km from Marlow to Chelsea in two days the previous weekend I was looking forward to what was meant to be a relatively relaxed paddle along the River Bure in Norfolk in good company and good weather. Well… we I guess two out of three ain’t bad […]

Wild Coast Paddle

Sunday 15th May

The Club along with many other clubs and individual paddlers took part in a joint RSPB /Canoe England paddle around Wallasea Island in Essex on Sunday 15th May. Wallasea Island is bound to the north by the River Crouch estuary, to the south east by the River Roach estuary, and to the […]

Canoe & Kayak: Sea Kayaking Special

This month’s issue of Canoe & Kayak UK magazine is dedicated to sea kayaking, something close to the heart of all Chelsea Kayak Club members – and is jam packed to overflowing with features, trip suggestions and tips – so much so, there’s a 24 page mini-mag pull out.

Getting arty for the Royal Wedding

Jacks of all trades – getting ready for a Royal Wedding Paddle

Groovy-baby! With the help of Katie W and Richard H, I was able to turn our two Atlantic’s into a couple of floating Union Jack’s that would make Austin Powers weep with envy. These boats have been made to resemble our […]

Wind, Waves and Wee-needy Paddlers

Sunday 10th April 2011

Always up for an interesting paddle and to push our kayaking skills, we arranged for the club to head out to sea for a few miles in search of a wind farm, off the Kent coast at Herne Bay. We found it, along with the upper limits of our […]

Surf’s up dude

26th March 2011

On the 26th March we set off for the inaugural Chelsea/Battersea joint surfing trip. Heading off to the Gower we were not expecting much action; Magic Seaweed was predicting almost no surf. But it just goes to show, you’ve got to give it a go. Our first day at Llangenith on the […]

Some Like it Rough!

18th to 20th March 2011

We finally made it over to Pembrokeshire after what seemed like an impossible trip to organise. Nobody could agree on dates before Christmas and once a date in January had been agreed could you believe it we had to postpone it because the weather was too rough! Several […]