Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

Saturday Thames Session

Sat 21 Sept 2024 downstream paddle

WHERE: Brentford Boating Arch, Kew Bridge:
What3Words: Jelly.Probe.Cards

WHEN: Sat 21 Sept – meeting time 9:50am, on the water (OTW) 10.20am

Paddle for 1.5hours from Kew to stop & have lunch down stream stopping about 12.30pm ish probably resting for 60 minutes. Back on water ~ 1.30/2pm & then back to Kew & finished hopefully by 5pm.

Please arrive at The Arches closest to the river, on the North East side of Kew Bridge. Please arrive on time, so we can have boats and kit ready and can be on the water at the scheduled start time.

If you are running late, or for other changes, please message (not email) the session leader at least an hour before. This is important as the trip may need to be cancelled if we go under the minimum group size.


TIDES: LW Chelsea Bridge 12.14noonish; Putney 13.07am; Hammersmith 13.27; Kew ~2.20pm (London Bridge 10.29am) – see  Admiralty Easy tide for further details.


Please keep eye on forecast. If hot and sunny you should bring enough water to drink, Also bring sun screen and sun hat. If rain is forecast you might want to bring your own cag or waterproof jacket if you have one. Bring a snack for a mid-paddle break.


Please sign-up by 16:00 on the Friday before the paddle, if you would like a place and will require use of boats and equipment. Please do not sign-up if you are not certain you can attend.

Maximum number of people: Leader plus 6 others (perhaps adjusted depending on sign up). Minimum is 3 people including leader.

Name is mandatory

Your email will not be published.


Fields marked with a '*' are mandatory

Total Attendees: 5
# Name
1. Dhana
2. Tom casey
3. Mike Cassidy
4. Rob
5. Mary Hennock


  • These sessions are not suitable for people with no or limited paddling experience you must meet our minimum prerequisites please refer to Trip and Session Guidelines
  • Please make sure you read the Port of London Authority’s (PLA’s) Basic Principles of Navigation/Paddling on Upper Tideway (For more complete information see Paddling on the Tideway – A Code of Practice for Paddling on the Tidal Thames 2017 ).  See also The River Thames Recreational Users Guide – Teddington to Sea Reach  
    Also useful for tides and events on the river see  PLA Boating on the Thames page .
  • LIGHTS ARE REQUIRED WHEN PADDLING AFTER DARK.  Please bring along your own waterproof torches if you have them, or place a white bike lights in two milk cartons and bring some string to attach them to the kayak.
  • Follow any specific instructions that are given by the session leader, such as getting on the water and group management.
  • Neoprene spray decks and BA/PFD’s are available.
  • Please look after any kit that is borrowed – treat it with care and as if it is your own.
  • Consider bringing a snack and bottle of water with you – especially in periods of warmer weather given the distances that are covered on the session.
  • Even when in a group with an experienced paddler, everyone on the river is responsible for their own safety, keeping a look out and navigating in a correct manner to avoid collisions or causing a collision, etc.
  • Failure to comply with PLA rules can result in you being fined £5,000.